Your Final Rite

Death Midwife

Because the dying process is as sacred as birth

About Me

Hello! My name is Jessica Shoemaker and thank you for visiting my page.

As a Death Midwife, I provide knowledge to those seeking information about how to prepare for death and dying; their own, or that of a loved one. I draw on relevant knowledge and traditional skills, of comfort and compassion that have been lost or forgotten in our death denying culture. I encourage and support others as we reclaim our final rites to a more peaceful and personally involved end of life experience, and a sustainable disposition. I do not believe that death should be seen as a taboo, but as something to be planned for as lovingly and carefully as one would any other rite of passage.

Through this work, I provide a foundation that honors death as something just as sacred and just as worthy of attention as birth. I welcome your questions, and the opportunity they provide for us to have a very meaningful discussion about something that concerns all of us.

Please feel free to contact me for a consultation at the email or phone number above.

How to Know Where to Begin?

Being Prepared

Death is a part of life. It is good to get your affairs in order. With my help, I can assist you in getting the 6 most important documents completed while you are healthy enough to make your own decisions.

Just Diagnosed?

Finding out that you have a terminal diagnosis is hard enough to work thru. Allow me to assist you with working thru what is needed to ensure your transition is exactly what you planned for.

Has Transitioning Begun for Your Loved one?

Sometimes, there isn’t enough time to prepare for transition. That’s OK! I am here for you and your loved one. I can walk alongside you and your loved one thru this journey. We will get through this together, shoulder to shoulder. You and your loved one will not be alone.

Knowing (or not) what you need

This article comes up often and I wanted to share. Not knowing what you need is common. Also knowing that your needs are different than others. We are all not alike. This article breaks down our needs in categories. Knowing that it’s just a stepping stone to many categories as (again) we all are different.…

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Grief and moving on

What an excellent talk on grief. Please watch and remember “grief is a multitasking function” and that people will be able to move forward but it does not mean they have moved on.

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2 thoughts on “Your Final Rite

  1. Love this site and your gift of service. There are some that spend their lives looking for purpose, and I’m thankful that you found yours and are willing to help those in need. Best wisjes!

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